Category Archives: Uncategorized
Finding a New Printer, and Books Out of Print
COVID-19 has another casualty: our printer. Thankfully not the people there, just the business. When [...]
An avid fight fan and amateur boxer, Robert E. Howard wrote stories about the prize [...]
In his humorous Westerns, Howard shows a mastery of regional dialect and comedic styles (from [...]
Robert E. Howard hoped one day to write an epic history of his native Southwest. [...]
Regional Horror
A few American writers have successfully combined fantasy, horror, and U.S. Southern regionalism. Along with [...]
Cosmic Horror
Robert E. Howard wrote gripping horror stories, giving a unique twist to the traditional monsters [...]
Robert E. Howard said there was “so little of the scientist about my nature” that [...]
Detective Stories
What if someone were to combine the sinister Fu Manchu school of pulp melodrama with [...]
Historical Adventures
Howard loved the panoramas of ancient, medieval, and Renaissance history, which his imagination populated with [...]
Desert Adventures
Robert E. Howard created two resourceful men of action who roam the tumultuous frontiers of [...]
Heroic Fantasy
On the edges of the known world and in ancient kingdoms of blood and gold [...]